Profile Data

Construction Cycle One (CC-1) Rigid & Flexible Test Items

Profile Data Query

Test Item :

Date Time (YYYY/MM) :

Repetition Start :

Repetition End :

Run Profile Data

Rut Depth Data

Transverse Profiles and Rut Depths at the NAPTF

Transverse profile measurements were made at regular intervals to track the structural deterioration of the flexible test items. The measurements were made with a rolling inclinometer device (CSC Profilair Profilite 300). The CSC Profilair Digital Profilite 300 is a manually propelled inertial profiling device. The device was used to measure transverse surface elevation profiles on the NAPTF test items. Specifications for the device in the configuration being used were as follows: 


1.    Recommended test speed = 2 km/h.

2.    Profile elevation recorded once every 250 mm (9.84 inches).

3.    The elevation profiles saved in comma delimited ASCII electronic files (that can be downloaded and graphed/plotted using MS Excel or similar programs). The file names have the format XXXX-DDMMhhmm, where     

XXXX = longitudinal position identifier (described below)
DD = numerical day  of the month
MM = alphabetical month descriptor
hh = numerical hour of the day in 24-hour format
mm = numerical minute of the hour

4. The profiles are normalized to set the first and last elevations to zero.

5. The elevations are stored in files in unites of inches. Positive numbers signify distances above the datum end points.   


Two profiles were measured in each test item along a line marked on the pavement. 


1. In the rigid test items, the first line was along the centerline of the third (center) row of slabs. The second line was approximately two inches on the West side of the East transverse joints of the same row of slabs.


Location of Profile Lines in Rigid Test Item


2. In the flexible test items, the lines were at the one-third points along the test items about six inches to the West side of the MDDs.