CC7 South Pavement Distress Map
The distress surveys were performed on a daily basis in accordance to ASTM D5340. Visual inspections occurred daily after all trafficking had finished. The surveys were augmented with chalk markings, flashlights and other tools to ascertain the presence and pattern of very fine cracks. Cumulative plots of crack mapping were prepared. On these plots, the distresses were color-coded to separate dates/passes of distress surveys on which the new distresses were observed. The observed cracks were then processed and analyzed as follows: linear cracks for each test item were measured and cumulatively added; and fatigue areas for each test item were measured and cumulatively added. SCI calculations for each test item was generated for each distress survey.
See below for a sample of the mapped pavement distresses:

Click here to download the CC7 South 2015 Distress Mapping Log and here for the CC7 South 2015 Distress Map.
Click here to download the CC7 South 2016 Distress Mapping Log and here for the CC7 South 2016 Distress Map.
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