
Gear Table

Contains information about the configured wheel loads, tire pressure, and spacing.  


Gear Parameter Number identifying a specific combination of tire geometry and loads. There were four gear parameters during the CC3 test period.          

North Carriage Tires

Number of tires on the north carriage.                     
South Carriage Tires Number of tires on the south carriage.             

Tire Load North

Target wheel load for the north carriage (lbs.). All wheels carried the same load. 

Tire Load South Target wheel load for the south carriage (lbs.). All wheels carried the same load. 
Tire Pressure North Target tire pressure for the north carriage (psi). 
Tire Pressure South Target tire pressure for the south carriage (psi).  
Dual Spacing North Center-center lateral distance between wheels for the north carriage (inch). 
Dual Spacing South  Center-center lateral distance between wheels for the south carriage (inch). 
Tandem Spacing North  Center-center longitudinal distance between wheels (axles) for the north carriage (inch). 
Tandem Spacing South  Center-center longitudinal distance between wheels (axles) for the south carriage (inch). 
Vehicle Speed MPH   
Comment Comments 


Gear Table Query


Gear ParameterNorth Carriage TiresSouth Carriage TiresTire Load North LBTire Load South LBTire Pressure North PSITire Pressure South PSIDual Spacing North INDual Spacing South INTandem Spacing North INTandem Spacing South INVehicle Speed MPHComment
1645500055000248248545457572.509/03/02-9/16/02, CC3 wander pattern
2645500055000248248545457572.509/17/02-9/18/02 12:00,MWHGL wander pattern
3646500065000268268545457572.509/18/02 13:01-10/18/02,CC3 wander pattern