Airport Pavement Detail

In-Service Testing PAPI Newark International

DOT/FAA/RD-81/95 Author: Bret B. Castle

Type 1106 Flasher Modification for Remote Operation

FAA-CT-81-23 Author: Paul H. Jones

Visual Confirmation of Voice Takeoff Clearance (VICON) Operation Evaluation Volume II

FAA-RD-80-114-II Authors: John J. Maurer, B. Castle, A.K. Novakoff, R. Nelson, S. Roditi, F.P. Zito

Visual Confirmation of Voice Takeoff Clearance (VICON) Operational Evaluation: Volume I

FAA-RD-80-114-I Authors: John J. Maurer, B Castle, E. Dowe, B Hughes, R Nelson

Porous Portland Cement Concrete: the State of the Art

Author: Alfred Monahan US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Structures Laboratory Vicksburg, Miss. 39180
